Downtown Investment Matters!
Our desire is to highlight the importance of downtown investment.
- Improve Building Conditions
- Overall Aesthetics
- Promotion & Marketing of Webster City downtown
- Alliance Communication Strategy

Main Street Revitalization Alliance Visioning
The term "Main Street" doesn't exclusively refer to streets literally named "Main Street." In many contexts, especially in American culture, "Main Street" symbolically represents the primary business street of a town or city. The term symbolically encapsulates the heart of a town or city. It is a representation of the bustling business street, the cultural hub, and the social epicenter of a community. This goes beyond street signs and asphalt; it's about the very essence and spirit of a place.
Why does Downtown Investment Matter? Is it worth the cost?
1. Downtown is an Asset worth Reinvestment
Historic buildings are part of a community’s unique assets that reflect the heritage and tapestry of the community. Today, the detailing and beauty of these buildings often cannot be replaced or replicated. Our downtown buildings are our distinguishable assets that contribute the quality of life in Webster City.
2. Downtown Buildings ARE Infrastructure
It’s not all about architectural beauty, infill development is already hooked up to necessary infrastructure such as water, sewer, and street systems. As supported by the City of Webster City’s financial review, the city was advised for the need to grow the tax base in Webster City. Downtown development allows us to make prudent choices with our available financial resources by utilizing existing infrastructure.
4. The ROI is Greater than New Development
The density downtown buildings creates produces a larger return on investment compared to greenfield developments that require large masses of land. The upper stories share the burden of the building by producing income. Downtown buildings in comparable communities have garnered a tax value of nearly $35 a square foot. This strategy also preserves land for agricultural production vital to our local economy.
5. Vacant Buildings Cost Money too
The cost of a vacant building is more than just depreciated value. It spreads to other businesses, public utility, local option sales tax but more importantly, property tax valuation.
6. There’s a Ripple Effect
Positive change creates positive change. Downtown development encourages more businesses, attracts residents, and overall elevates the economic viability of the Webster City area.
Alliance Members
As a result of a three-way partnership with the Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce, Webster City SSMID (self-sustaining municipal improvement district) and City of Webster City, IEDA Downtown Resource team visits Webster City and meets with a variety groups and over 100 individual community members including local government, chamber officials, downtown property owners, business & industry leaders, local retailers, youth, arts groups, and long time residents.
The official report is received by all partners. Immediately representatives from the original partnership review and adopt the findings and suggestions as a guide to downtown development.
Initial meetings between all interested parties begin including community groups and outside stakeholders that have an interest in downtown. The group agrees to pursue joining the Main Street Iowa model and pursing redesignation of a Main Street Iowa community. A comprehensive list is created merging previous community plans, efforts, along with the most recent findings provided by the Downtown Resource Center team.
A visioning process is started to discuss the goals and objectives of our newly formed effort. The name Main Street Revitalization Alliance is determined by all group members to be an accurate representation of the combined interests of all group members.
Led by a professional community development specialist, the Main Street Revitalization Alliance, moves forward with a facilitation process. First steps include identifying and detailing community assets.
Discussions continue on how best to capitalize and utilize Webster City's own unique assets.
The group successfully identifies its top priorities to make the the most significant impact in downtown Webster City.
A plan of action is developed to officially announce the group's efforts and initial projects.
More to come! Watch for more communication and actionable projects to improve our downtown and health of our community.
If you’d like to join the effort or have questions please Contact Us
To view additional downtown development resources click here.
Enjoy Webster City's small town charm!
Our business community will greet you with a smile and exceed all your expectations!