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Abstract Associates of Hamilton County Ribbon Cutting 

Abstract Associates of Iowa, formerly Hamilton County Abstract Services, Opens Hamilton County Location in Webster City

Webster City, Iowa: The Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce invites community members to a ribbon cutting ceremony at Abstract Associates of Hamilton County, 1919 Superior Street, formerly Hamilton County Abstracting Services.

Abstract Associates provides abstracting services to buyers, sellers, realtors, mortgage lenders, lawyers, and builders in Calhoun, Franklin, Hamilton, Webster and Wright counties. Abstract Associates is locally owned and operated providing services for commercial, agricultural, and residential real estate transactions.

The professional abstractors and dedicated production department ensures our customers receive the quality products and services they deserve. They are a Title Guaranty Participating Member. Abstract Associates is a proud member of Iowa Land Title Association as well as local county chamber of commerce in the counties we serve.

The ribbon cutting will be located at their new location 1919 Superior on Thursday, February 15th at 4PM with a reception and light refreshments immediately following.


Press Contact:

Anna Woodward, Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce
